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Why Alexa ranking is important and How it Work?

 Alexa is a global ranking system that utilizes website traffic data to compile a list of the most popular websites. It is a virtual ranking system set by (a subsidiary of Amazon) that audits and makes public the frequency of visits on different websites. The Alexa ranking is achieved by performing the geometric mean of reach and page views, averaged over a period of three to five months. The ranking is based on the number of traffic recorded from users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of three months. Alexa rank is of amazing significance inside the universe of blogging.

How does it work?

its ranking is based on the data provides by the user to the Global data panel over a period of 3 months. In most of the cases, it does not give the exact ranking. It just shows the rank according to the data which is collected from their toolbar. Alexa also uses Online Shopping for Electronics, Computers, Books, DVDs & more data to rank your site and also collect data from 3rd party software.

Why Alexa ranking is important?

Alexa ranking is one of the major factors of the Digital world Blogging. The standard of the site or a blog, domain age, Google page rank, the score, and another vital issue is decided based on numerous factors, just like the one that’s the Alexa ranking.

Alexa Ranking can be improved

1. Install Alexa Toolbar

2. Install Alexa Widget

3. Write Unique Contents

4. Write Contents regularly

5. Share your content on social media


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