The robots exclusion protocol (REP), or robots.txt is a small text file for restricting bots from a website or certain pages on the website. Using robots.txt and with a disallow direction, we can restrict search engine crawling programs from websites and or from certain folders and files. The Robots.txt file is a text file placed on your web server which tells web crawlers like Googlebot if they should access a file or not. Examples of robots.txt: Robots.txt file URL : Blocking all web crawlers from all content User-agent: * Disallow: / Using this syntax in the robots.txt file would tell all web crawlers not to crawl any pages of the website, including the homepage. Allowing all web crawlers access to all content User-agent: * Disallow: Using this syntax in the robots.txt file tells web crawlers to crawl all pages of the website, including the homepage. Blocking specific web crawler from a specific folder User-agent: Googlebot Dis...